Honved was founded on 10th August 1908 as Kispesti Atlétikai Club – the Athletic Club of Kispest by Dr. Bálint Varga.
Kispest is the name of the Budapest district that Honvéd call home.
The name of the district therefore was practically the name of the club from 1909 until 1949 when ‘Honvéd’ appeared. For a period post the communist era both words (Kipesti and Honved) formed part of the official name of the club.
Moving into the modern era of reference ‘Kispest’ has given way to ‘Budapest’ in the official club name although the club badge and communication channels still use Kipest. The lion meanwhile is another symbol of the club hence the nickname – Kispest Oroszlánok (roughly the Lions of Kipest)
The village of Kipest was absorbed into the District XIX of the larger Budapest when the Hungarian Ministry of Defence took control of the team.
While the roots of the club are in 1908 its more formally recognised that the club’s earliest members could not agree on a constitution until 3rd August 1909 and this is generally recognised as the club’s correct foundation date.
Therefore, ‘1909’ is a tag you often see in or as part of Honvéd fan murals.
While the club was set up on multi-sport lines it is best known for its football team – Honvéd which roughly translates into the Homeland Defence. In wider societal terms the Hungarian Defence Forces (Magyar Honvédség) is the national defence force of Hungary – in other words Honved were the army team.
In January 1949, when Hungary became a communist state, the resulting state nationalisation of football clubs saw the original club renamed as Budapesti Honvéd. The name derives as previous noted from Honvédség, and the word honvéd, which literally means the defender of the homeland.
Having won multiple titles and national cups Honvéd firmly belongs amongst the elite grouping of Hungarian football clubs. However, the success that has came has been more for domestic achievements. The club is better known for providing the nucleus of the Hungarian national team in the 1950s – the Magical Magyars a team which revolutionised football tactics and playing formations in Europe.
Accordingly, it’s normal to see symbolic images of the Magyars greatest player ‘Puskas’ amongst many murals. Moreover, the home stadium is named after another – Bozsik József Stadion.
The star on top of the crest – which corresponds to more than 10 championship titles wins – also regularly appears in the art dedicated to this club.
Founded: 1909
Country: Hungary
Club: Budapest Honvéd Football Club